This is the remnants of a jekyll site built circa 2013. Its links will slowly fade away as with everything old on the internet.
Always on to new and interesting things! Maybe a a macOS app or two .
Time Formats
An Interactive Time Formats Chart
Use this small interactive chart to create date patterns using the strftime & MomentJS formats. STRFTime libraries are available for many programming languages: Ruby, Python, Javascript, etc. MomentJS runs anywhere javascript runs.
Color Palettes
An Interactive Color Chart
Use this small interactive chart to explore and save colors in RGB, HEX, CMYK. For a given color you can explore related colors to build up a palette.
Collection of Obj-C Tools & Kits
This is a collection of libraries, frameworks and resources for handling common tasks on iOS and OSX. It prefers tools that are simple, small and modular.
Get In The Groove
Want more time?
A Mac OS X menubar application that tracks the apps and websites that you use. Use it to help you avoid distractions, get focused and get building.